
Showing posts from October, 2018

AIVON Protocol - What is Human Expert Network

in spite of rapid advancement in the sector, AI (artificial intelligence) is not ideal; humans carry on to play 2 vital parts in the procedure. First, they aid label the content that'll be fed to the AI Algorithms. Then, they correct any incorrect predictions made by the AI tools to enhance the perfection of future results. We'll use many disciplinary open sources network of freelancers with knowledge, tagging, logging metadata moderating, management transcribing as well as translation. AIVON Network empowers its community with devices which allow individuals to make added meta data . Of crucial value is the value of content listing by supplying perfect descriptions and assignment of appropriate tags backed on the most largely accepted taxonomies and lexicons. This is the place where power tools and human expertise are needed. There're surely very diff lexicons for medical conference recordings, sporting events news stories. Individuals will have the option