TokenStars TEAM — Celebrity management platform on blockchain

TokenStars TEAM — Celebrity management platform on blockchain

TokenStars is a celebrity management platform on the blockchain, providing advanced tools and incentives for deeper interaction between stars, fans and advertisers. Having successfully started with the ACE token sale for tennis ($4.9M+ raised as of the sale end date!), TokenStars has enhanced its team with top-notch experts and stars to launch the TEAM token: Lothar Matthäus, Valery Karpin (football), Tommy Haas, Robin Söderling, Cedric Pioline, Anastasia Myskina (tennis), Nikita Kucherov (hockey), Alexander Anter (poker) and Rico Torres (Hollywood) are among the famous celebrities supporting TokenStars. As a utility token, TEAM will be used in most of the interaction activities powered by the TokenStars platform, including repayment of agency commissions from advertisers and supported talents, providing incentives to fans and external agents for finding promising talents (scouts) and for promoting celebrities (promoters), making betting bids, participating in the voting polls, getting access to exclusive offers from celebrities, and so on. TokenStars develops its platform on the blockchain to make it transparent and verifiable, create a powerful global community, ensure lower money transfer costs and faster transactions with no need in a third party, as well as to eliminate middlemen in and bring more transparency to the celebrity management industry.

TokenStars TEAM

TokenStars is the first celebrity management platform on the blockchain, providing advanced tools and incentives for deeper interaction between stars, fans, and advertisers. Having successfully started with the ​​ACE ​t​oken sale ​f​or ​t​ennis ($4.9M+ raised as of the sale end!), ​TokenStars has enhanced its team with top-notch experts and stars to launch the TEAM token: Lothar Matthäus, Valery Karpin (football), Tommy Haas, Robin Söderling, Cedric Pioline, Anastasia Myskina (tennis), Nikita Kucherov (hockey), Alexander Anter (poker) and Rico Torres (Hollywood) are among the famous celebrities supporting TokenStars. Designed as a toolkit, the TokenStars platform consists of 12 integrated modules grouped in 4 layers by function:
  1. crowdfunding, enabling prospective talents to raise funds;
  2. infrastructure, providing the community with tools for key activities (scouting, voting, betting);
  3. fan community, allowing celebrities to grow their social capital and offering fans higher involvement;
  4. advertising, delivering smart and transparent data as well as engaged audiences to brands for more efficient promotion campaigns.
  5. As a utility token, TEAM will be used in most of the interaction activities powered by the TokenStars platform, including repayment of agency commissions from advertisers and supported talents, providing incentives to fans and external agents for finding promising talents (scouts) and for promoting celebrities (promoters), making betting bids, participating in the voting polls, getting access to exclusive offers from celebrities, and so on.
TokenStars develops its platform on the blockchain to make it transparent and verifiable, create a powerful global community, ensure lower money transfer costs and faster transactions with no need in a third party, as well as to eliminate middlemen in and bring more transparency to the celebrity management industry.
Based on a proven business model, TokenStars is lead by an experienced team with background at Groupon, Leo Burnett, Evernote, Rambler&Co and Mail.Ru Group. It is supported by blockchain advisors Tomoaki Sato (Starbase), Wulf Kaal (University of St. Thomas) and Edgar Kampers (Qoin). The first module of the TokenStars platform was launched in December 2017, powering the Crypto Xmas Charity Auction to which many worldwide famous celebrities donated their personal items with signatures.
Core Idea
The core idea behind TokenStars is to bring the interaction between stars, fans and advertisers to a new level and solve celebrity management industry problems.
Stars: talents and pros. In an era when professional career development highly relies on the ability to attract social capital and access the funding sources, stars need more ways to get discovered by the audience and sponsors.
Fans. The balance of celebrities, fans, and media has shifted dramatically. Fans no longer just watch. In real time they participate, analyze, critique, fantasize and connect with their favorite stars.
Fans need innovations that will provide opportunities for interaction and two-way communications with celebrities.
Advertisers. Brands seek new channels of promotion with highly engaged audience and demand transparent and adjustable tools to run advertising campaigns.
We understand that in order to encourage collaboration between huge number of participants TokenStars shall develop scalable digital solutions and competitive incentives for all parties.
Therefore, we build the modular blockchain platform that will allow participants to combine its blocks and achieve the desired results. Eventually it will change the way how celebrities connect with their fans and advertisers, making it more efficient and valuable.
We introduce TEAM token to empower the interaction between parties. TEAM tokens (ERC-20 standard) will serve as a form of access to the TokenStars platform and as an internal currency, required for the majority of operations and transactions within our ecosystem.


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