SEAL-Network | Out of love for creation

SEAL NETWORK is the ideal way for everybody to check if a product is real or fake. SEAL networks join NFC chips, which are embedded into physical items, the SEAL application and the SEAL network to offer a simple, quick and secure method to offer items verification and other services.
By helping a safe and sound tokenized edition of the physical item, SEAL network permits product exact services to operate such as transferring rights, insurance, theft avoidance, but also brand activation campaigns and product analysts.
SEAL network brands gain money each time their items change rights. For the very first time in the mankind, brands can gain money form products sold via the second-hand deal, while at the same time protecting their marketplace from Forgers. Applying the power of the latest block-chain, identification can be tested and rights can be transferred years from now, even if the item itself is discontinued, as-long-as participate in the decentralized SEAL network.

How does SEAL NETWORK work?

The SEAL network consists of many components, namely:
  1. Products with an inserted SEAL chip that uniquely verify physical products
  2. The SEAL application is installed on an NFC compatible Smart Devices
  3. The SEAL token that enables communication among when the diff parts of the network and
  4. The SEAL platform, an immutable blockchain based records where every trade is recorded and validated its nodes.
Brands are the unique issuer of item pairings on the blockchain technology. This way, brands can make sure ideally how many verify copies are released. Disingenuous creators are no longer avail to make limitations that can be passed off as authentic because they can't duplicate the token.

SEAL Network Mission

To make a more realistic universe, out of love for creation!
SEAL platform wishes to bring back confidence to users and permit for brands to relate with their most largely vested clients in the straightest method the internet has ever seen. Jointly, SEAL builds a better universe in which users appreciate the creative jobs of makers and prevent feeding the fake economy.
Impact scoop of the problem Loss of faith
People are losing trusts in items because of cheating. Dangerous and low-quality products are being sold as real, disregarding the wellbeing and safety of other. Companies get a bad value because of fake products and people are not able to sell their products on the second-hand market. It goes tougher for people to identify fakes from the outer part, but the product quality never lies.


Over 3 Trillion USD of goods are being counterfeited each year. One out 5 products made in Chine is a fake. Not just bags, clothes are being faked, but also airplane parts, airbags, and medicine are being faked. This is the biggest issue for politics, brands, and people globally.
The globe is packed with creators: scientist, designers, makers, and programmers. They set aside their lives to bring us the finest. Humbled by years of breakdown, driven by a dream they cannot let go, powered by force of will waiting 1 day it turns into brilliance.
It’s the product that seals it all, that attaches us to the makers, captures the birth of a culture, and completes us with inspiration, originality, and quality.
down by an overload of counterfeit and soulless creations, making it seem usual to expect empty unevenness in return. Now, let’s rejoice true formation, pay tributes to the dedication, and augment our lives with valuable brands.


• Purchase with confidence
• Fight counterfeiting
• Be sure you get the item you expect. Identify real products from fakes.
• Make the humanity a safer and superior place. Fight against the economic support of fake and dangerous products.
• Protect value
• Boost product value by adding supply-chain info and offering trust.


The infrastructure of legitimacy Seal’s investments in the network will put down the groundwork for the planet’s infrastructure of legitimacy. These communications are the basis upon which a service system can be built upon. Perhaps most vitally, it would offer a way for brands to gather information and perform visuals and time series analysis on creation streams. This is a leap forward in the development of insight-driven brands. Other services are not restricted to the earlier highlighted services. In the upcoming, SEAL may further make bigger its service offering, for instance with unique customs and rule enforcement software.


Primary Product SEAL has developed a working version of the creation The Seal application is well-matched with iOS (iPhone 7 and up) and Android. Present features include legitimacy checks, rights transfers and inventory organization. The product is planned to be downloadable in the Apple App Store and Android Play Store later this year.

For further information, please visit the following sites:


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